REGISTER Register, for further information, contact us on
  • RedNegocios is an online platform that allows accrediting and consolidating commercial, legal, financial and technical records of supplier companies, so that they can present themselves in an accredited manner before large potential buyers (principals) from various industries, such as mining, finance, energy, telecommunications, retail, education, among others.
  • In RedNegocios, all natural persons and legal companies, national and foreign, who wish to use the platform as a means to develop business and prove a background for a buyer who has requested it, can register.
  • The registration contracted with RedNegocios is valid for one year, that is, 12 months, after which the company may renew the services.
  • To register in the RedNegocios registry, you must enter, in the upper or lower bar of the page, press the green “Register” button.
  • Complete the Registration form.
  • Select services to contract and select a means of payment.
  • For commercial assistance, contact us through the “Online Help” section in the EXTERNAL LINKS section, Requests to RedNegocios CCS section in Enter Request or by email
  • To carry out the renewal of services in RedNegocios you must enter, in the upper right corner you must press the option “Enter” type username and password where you will enter your profile. While at the desk, go to the top bar where you must select the option “Renew, directing you to the next step that corresponds to the payment, so that you can contract the services of RedNegocios again for one year.
  • You enter directly at in the upper bar of the “Rates” section, where you can review values according to company size.
  • The means of payment are through:



  • To edit the data of your electronic file you must enter, in the upper right corner you must press the option “enter” with your username and password will enter your profile. There you will find a top bar where you must select the option “Editing data”, you can modify General data and complementary data of the company, editing fields such as: Address, Contact Information, select categories and keywords, among others. Remember to save changes.
  • It is always recommended to have updated contact information, telephone, email, name in charge for RedNegocios, in order to facilitate communication with the company.
  • To view your electronic file, you must enter, in the upper right corner you must press the option “enter” with your username and password will enter your profile. Go to the top bar where you must select the option “Sheet” where you can access:
  • Dashboard: in this tab you can review company information, RNCCS status and alert status. In addition, you can select the principal to view categories and review the Risk Control panel section.
  • Business data: you can view the company data and information, such as: legal representative, Executive Committee, Contact Data, Partners and companies, bank details, main clients, recommendations, branches, projects.
  • Documentary status: in this section you can review by area (HSEC area, Compliance Documents, Financial-Tax, HR management and values, Innovation and technological development, Legal, others, operational sustainability) the documents that are accredited from your company and certificates.
  • Specialized Reports: in this section you can review the different reports prepared for your company.
  • To upload documentation, you must enter, in the upper right corner you must press the “enter” option with your username and password will enter your profile. While at your desk, you must go down to the bottom section of the page where you will find the green “Upload Documents” tab.
  • Upon entering you will be able to view the different areas: Compliance Documents, Financial-Tax, Human Resources and Values Management, Innovation and Technological Development, Legal, Health, Safety, Environment, Community (HSEC), Operational Sustainability and others.
  • When deploying each area, you will be able to see all the documents that can be loaded.
  • Once the documents have been uploaded, do not forget to click on “Send Documents” so that the uploaded document(s) can be reviewed.
  • Documents must be in PDF format with a maximum size of 12MB.
  • The uploaded documentation has a period of 48 to 72 hours to be reviewed. After the review, the document can be accredited (review the Document Status tab by area) or it can be rejected (review the rejected documents section, where you will see information and reason for rejection, as well If a document is rejected, you will receive an email in the box indicated in Contact: notifications with the reason for the rejection of the document so that you can regularize and reload it in the “Upload Documents” section.
  • General Recommendations:

    • Documents must be uploaded in PDF format and must not weigh more than 12 MB.

    • Documents with blank pages are not accepted.

    • The document must have all the pages indicated by its correlative.

    • The document must not be folded or cut.

    • Documents with incomplete information, with markers or highlighters are not accepted.

    • You must upload one file per document (separate documents).

    • Adulterated documents are not accepted.

    • Do not include low-resolution or shaky cell phone photos.

    • Up-to-date documentation formats must be used.

  • The business consolidated report is a report that shows the situation or suitability of a business partner and/or supplier company. This Consolidated Business Report (CBR) addresses different topics: – Legal Suitability – Tax Suitability – Economic Suitability (Financial-Accounting) – Technical – Commercial Suitability – Labor Suitability.
  • To request the creation of the Consolidated Business Report, you must prove a list of documents, according to the type of company and contact the Help Desk: 22 8185706 or go to the “Online Help” section. To generate a query in “Enter request”.
  • It is a report prepared for Claro Chile that shows the situation or suitability of a business partner and/or supplier company. This consolidated and comprehensive Business Evaluation Report (IEE) addresses different topics: – Legal Suitability – Tax Suitability – Economic Suitability (Financial-Accounting) – Technical – Commercial Suitability – Labor Suitability.
  • It is a report prepared for Claro Chile that shows the situation or suitability of a business partner and/or supplier company. This consolidated and comprehensive Business Evaluation Report (IEE) addresses different topics: – Legal Suitability – Tax Suitability – Economic Suitability (Financial-Accounting) – Technical – Commercial Suitability – Labor Suitability.
  • To request the preparation of the Business Evaluation Report, you must prove a list of documents, according to the type of company and contact the Help Desk: 22 8185706 or go to the “Online Help” section. To generate a query in “Enter request”
  • The documents that must be submitted considering the last two complete annual periods, according to the type of company listed below:

    Natural Person:
    1. TGR debt Certificate
    2. Current year Tax Folder
    3. Identity Card
    4. SBIF superintendency debt Certificate

    Legal Companies:
    1. Chilean Regulation Questionnaire 2770
    2. Company Constitution Documents
    3. Validity Certificate. With a maximum of 30 days from the issue date
    4. Last payment of Commercial Patent
    5. Classified Balance, last 2 periods (*)
    6. Tax Balance, last 2 periods (*)
    7. Income Statements, last 2 periods (*)
    8. Electronic Tax Folder for credits of the current year, with a maximum of 30 days from the issue date
    9. Accident and Losses Certificate. Two consecutive periods of 12 months each
    10. TGR Certificate

    Legal Companies less than one year old:
    1. Pre-balance companies between 6 and 12 months old
    2. SBIF superintendency debt Certificate
    3. TGR debt Certificate
    4. Incorporation of the Company by public deed or company statute in one day
    5. Last payment of Commercial Patent
    6. Validity Certificate of the CBR Company

    Foreign Companies:
    1. Classified Balance, last 2 periods (*)
    2. Income Statements, last 2 periods (*)
    3. Client recommendation letter
    4. Supplier recommendation letter
    5. Company Constitution or similar official document from the country of origin
    6. Certificate of Validity or similar document from the country of origin

  • In the “Online Help” section, Client’s Own Documents Section.
  • “Online Help” section- EXTERNAL LINKS- Enter Request, where a form will be enabled which you must complete and then “send”.
  • Phone Help Desk: 22 8185706.
  • If you wish to register or renew the services, write to
  • In Top of page- section: PDP Talks Supplier Development Program, click on GO.
  • In the Top of the page- Codelco supplier information section, click on Read more, go to the final section on Training and Courses, click here.
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